Nanometrology, Optics and Laser-Based Measurements, Development of Measurement Standard, Measurement for Industrial Purposes, Measurement System Control Automation, Metrology in Chemistry

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Yaumar, Yaumar
Yoppy, Yoppy, Research Center for Testing Technology - LIPI
Yudhistira, Yudhistira, Research Center for Testing Technology - LIPI
Yuniarty, Rina, Direktorat Standar Nasional Satuan Ukuran Mekanika, Radiasi, dan Biologi, Badan Standardisasi Nasional
Yuwon, Rietje Y.
Yuwono, Tito, Electrical Engineering Department, Islamic University of Indonesia, Yogyakarta Jalan Kaliurang KM 14 Yogyakarta, Indonesia 88854